To use this API, click and drag a row of data from the org browser into the test case, then select Add an Object read/assert step. Read/assertĪ Read/Assert test step is useful for validating or checking data. A period can be added after OpportunityRows to access a specific variable, e.g. This can then be accessed in subsequent test steps. When this test step is executed, it will populate OpportunityRows, or whatever name is specified in the Result List Name (see screenshot above). Refer to the Org Browser if you are unsure of the name for any given field. This will automatically generate a simple SOQL statement. This statement can be amended manually, e.g. Select which fields to return in the query. Then click the OK button. Make sure that the row chosen in the org browser corresponds to the object you want to query (e.g. To use this API, click and drag a row from the org browser into the test case, then select Add a SOQL Query Step. Refer to Salesforce’s documentation for more information on SOQL. SOQL queryĪ SOQL Query test step is useful for pulling data from specific Salesforce records. If the test case’s connection user does not have privileges to perform the cleanup, specify an admin connection in Cleanup Connection Name. This information will be written to the log file when the cleanup is performed. To enable this option, tick the checkbox Auto Cleanup. Provar can automatically delete data at the end of a test run if wanted. This can be controlled per test case, and is controlled by the Enable Object Id Logging checkbox on the Salesforce Connect test step. Note: Provar generally logs the Salesforce test data created during a test run. Test steps will be added with the same connection as the one selected in the org browser, but this can be overridden if wanted. To add an API test step, click on a row in the org browser and drag it into your test case.
These APIs can also be used to mass-create or update test data, working alongside a source such as an Excel spreadsheet. Provar provides various APIs to assist in the rapid creation and maintenance of test data. Industry Clouds Provar works across Industry Clouds for a seamless test building and automation experience.Salesforce Industries (Vlocity) Provar’s unique solution readily identifies and maps Vlocity UI elements using a custom locator.Salesforce CPQ Easily create tests with Test Builder and keep the pricing, product and proposal process error free.Metadata mapping makes test building fast, easy and without the maintenance overhead. ServiceMax Build Provar tests while working in ServiceMax.Field Service Hard to test features like Work Orders and Service Territories are easily automated with Provar.Service Cloud Automate the testing of your mission critical workflows, including Cases, Consoles and Communities.Sales Cloud Get up and running with test automation for Sales Cloud in hours rather than days or weeks.Platform Cloud Provar supports any custom app built on the Salesforce Platform.If you’re still moving to Lightning, or merging an older org, Provar can help. Classic and Lightning Provar tests work in both Classic and Lightning.